When I first retired and had time on my hands, I started a WordPress blog to record some memories related to my syndicated radio program “Celebration Rock.” That blog has been dorment for sometime, except for an occasional piece that I add to remind myself that it is there. I over-wrote every imaginable detail related to the program, and then moved on to this blog “Peace, Grace, and Jazz,” where the writing can cover anything remotely related to, well, peace, grace, and jazz.

A couple of years ago, I sprung for the actual PAID subscription to WordPress so that I could add some audio content. After all, I made my ministry one of listening, so it seemed like a good idea to expend the funds to expand. (A little glitch I haven’t bothered to correct: I added audio to the wrong blog; I had meant to add Celebration Rock audio clips to the first blog and mistakenly added the audio to the present one. So be it.

While this blog is most active during Lent (when I use the blog for an annual Lenten writing discipline), now and then I am moved to record some thoughts that I consider worth sharing, even if only for my progeny to read after my earthly presence has evaporated. Mostly, as you may have surmised, I write mostly for myself. But I encourasge your curiosity in looking (or listening) in.

As 2023 dawned, I realized that it was sixty years ago that I first spoke into a radio microphone. At the time, it was just an extracurricular college activity. I had no idea that those hours spent in the college radio studio would lead to six decades (and counting) of broadcasting.

For the next few entries here, I will reflect on what it meant to be “on the air.” I’m not writing frequently; just as the muse strikes. (But please don’t hold the muse accountable for everything you may read in the space, okay?)

I admit that some of what I write here may already have been covered to some extent in the “Celebration Rock” blog, or previously in this one. Heck, consider it a rerun and let’s move on. So, stay tuned.